Be your Change

Live your Life by Design

What others say about Gwen

"Gwen has been an invaluable resource for me.

As someone who has difficulty trusting others and asking for help,

I appreciated Gwen's approach of providing practical solutions to help me understand myself and the challenges

I faced. Gwen is not just a coach, but an inspiration.

Thank you so much for everything, Gwen." - Bianca

Immune Support

Creating a health lifestyle by resetting your Immune System in less then 3 hours.

So you can experience how to

own your life and feel

Vital, Energized & Sexy

Relationship Support


Strong, Inspirational & Solid relationships start with YOU.

Happiness is a Choice

you make every split second.



Abundance is a SIMPLE Strategy, without knowledge, experience or struggles.

Get Clarity, a Vision and a Plan to make Dreams a Reality.


Let’s connect, inspire and transform your life.

The sessions are always online, interactive, and inspirational.

We always work with the present moment, heart connection, and truthful expression. You receive practical, simple, and easy tools to use so you can anchor your insights and put them into practice.

You deserve the lifestyle you desire.

Hi, my name is Gwen and I am driven by passion, I developed my expertise through trial and error,

self-education, and the challenges in my life that turned out to be a BLESSING

My mission is to Inspire parents to lead by example for their kids on how to create a

Happy, Healthy & Abundant Lifestyle.

My dream is

to empower the dreams of others,


Connect, Inspire & Transform

My vision is "To Stand as Source of a Transformed World" and eliminate Poverty by Democratizing Wealth.

Together we can co-create

Health & Wellbeing 4 all.

As a certified health-wealth mentor

and life-hacker,

I’m committed to making a difference by delivering practical principles that promote

Freedom, Unity, and Abundance.

Throughout my life

I’ve encountered setbacks just like you. Each challenge positively affected my health, business, and happiness because
I always was willing to step outside
of my comfort zone.
This journey taught me invaluable lessons about
Self-Empowerment and Self-Love.

Natural Healing

Overcoming Asthma, Meningitis, Hypothyroidism, and Systemic Scleroderma gave me expertise in

Immune Support and related issue's.

Stress, Pain, Fatigue, Overweight,...

Reset your immune system

I am not a doctor, I only share my research and experience to inspire you.

I believe anyone can create an authentic and happy lifestyle

by rebooting their immune system, doing what they love, working with people they love and trust, to achieve

social & economic freedom.

Say goodbye to health challenges

Resette your Immune System with the 5 step Self-care program that is tested over and over again.

— Get the support you deserve

— Use a science based-proven method

— 100% guaranteed

Getting the Lifestyle

you want

Starts with investing in yourself and establishing your Happy Me by knowing your core values, standarts & aspirations in life.

Building a Vision to create the future you always dreamed off with the people you love.

Organizing your relationships and learn to communicate consciously to meet them where they are.

Create A Lifestyle of Abundance

Abundance is an inner game. Start mastering you thoughts, feelings & actions to activate a flow of contentment.

When a Vision rules your state of mind, you open the the doors to possibilities.

We all created stories for ourselves that became our truth. It’s time to let your's go together with the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

— Weekly Masterclass

— Weekly 1 on 1 Followup

— All in one Strategy

— Loyalty Program Benefits

— Workbook

Join me on this journey towards personal growth and achievable results. Contact me to empower your IMMUNITY at all levels with


Work with Me & Transform your Life.

Online 1-1 On Demand


"1-1 On Demand" a QUICK solution for a SMART and INSTANT approach when IMPACTFUL MOMENTS feel overwhelming, bring you out of balance and you could use some input to handle it with CLARITY & CONFIDENCE

Whether it impacts your


Kickstart your Vision


"Kickstart your Vision" is a program to create a CLEAR VISION in 90 DAYS.

To impact your HEALTH, WEALTH,

and fulfilling RELATIONSHIP. While discovering your PURPOSE & manifesting your


You get acces to an accountability team and


Tantric Intimacy


"Tantric Intimacy " is a program for COUPLES who want to TRANSFORM together to develop their RELATIONSHIP VISION and deepen their CONNECTION playfully and grow INDEPENDENTLY to TOGETHER with PASSION.

Leave codependency behind and discover


Next Level Coaching


"Next Level Coaching " is a Business program for coaches, mentors, and health practitioners who want to work SMART, have a BIGGER IMPACT,

and develop a DREAM LIFESTYLE while doing what they LOVE. With SIMPLE strategies and EFFECTIVE proven SYSTEMS

Executive Abundance


"Executive Wealth Power " is a leadership program for Established and, new ENTREPRENEURS, who want to develop a SMART business concept based on their, VISION, PURPOSE and LEGACY with a SOCIAL IMPACT.

Italy Retreats

In Private & For Groups

"Italy Retreats" are developed to create a TRANSFORMATIONAL EXPERIENCE with a deep dive SOUL IMPACT to discover your Authentic Identity. During the process, we anchor this Identity to rewrite your PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE SELF.


Why People Love To work with Me

I feel inspired and motivated.I discovered insights about myself, reconnected with my dream, have a daily action plan, and interact with beautiful people. Take action to get insights, be inspired, and activate little changes that make a huge impact.

Before the program, I used to avoid money issues. Now I face and solve them through my leadership and insights about money, my self & my relationships.

I would suggest everybody do a 90 day Kickstart at least once in you life



What an experience, so beautiful 😍 Thank you for who you are, what you do, and all the beautiful things we were allowed to experience together.

In the beginning I did not what to expect.

Now I m glad I didn't😉

I admire you for your empathy, the way you handle situations and your patience... You guided me through the most difficult time of my life.

I am eternally grateful to you. It is a blessing to work with you.



When we had our first conversation I thought OMG I love this woman, it is expensive and I get to do this. Now the only thing I can say after working with you for 3 days it is Magical and Priceless. I could never imagine in any way

these 3 days would fundamentally change my life.

I thought if it supported me through this difficult period in my life,

I would be happy and it is worth giving it a try.

I felt safe, seen, and guided by you. I will never forget you.

Thanks, Gwendoline.

The 3-day Tantric Couple retreat opened up a whole new world to me. I came with my husband not knowing what to expect. I was skeptical and left the door open to leave. In the first session, Gwen managed to crack me open in a very gentle way. The weekend felt like we made a journey of a month. I thought we had a good marriage, not perfect but nothing to complain about. The only question I kept repeating was why I didn't know this 20 years earlier. We would have fewer broken marriages in the world. I loved it! Keep bringing your magic Gwendoline


Jan & Marte

Office: ZOOM

Italy Farm Stay, Colidardo 8, 03030 Pescosolido IT

Call Whatsapp

+32-490 -403-298


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